These are old "archived" fishing reports from previous years. Please go to the "Latest
Fishing Reports" tab on the navigation bar for most recent fly fishing reports.
Devils River Fly Fishing Texas River Report and Conditions: Saturday September 18th and Sunday September
19th 2010, Flow at Baker's Crossing 210 CFS. Water temp. 79 degrees F. Water slightly murky with light green
stain. Three mile float downstream from Baker's yielded many small to meduim sized largemouth bass. We also landed
a couple of little smallmouth and several fiesty sunfish. There were several new fly fishers in our group, and a good
time was had by all.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Texas River Report
and Conditions: Friday September 24th, 2010. Canyon Dam Release 600 CFS. Water clear with light green tint;
water temp. 70 degrees F. Six mile float from Rio to Gardo's gave us several nice largemouth bass, sunfish, and a huge
spotted gar that bent the 6 weight rod in half. We saw very little river traffic. We also spotted several huge
stripers in the 25-35lb range. They were swimming with similar sized carp.
River Fly Fishing Texas River Report and Conditions: Sunday, September 26th, 2010. Canyon Dam release 250 CFS.
Half Day Fly Fishing Lesson/Float yielded lots of brightly colored sunfish and small bass. The weather was awesome
with light whitewater rapids and no other river traffic. Fall is great in Texas!
River Fly Fishing Texas Report and River Conditions: Saturday October 2nd and Sunday October 3rd, 2010. Flow at
Baker's Crossing 200 CFS. Water slightly murky with green tint; temp. 75 degrees F. Float with beginning fly fishers
yielded several nice bass and many sunfish. The weather was perfect with cool nights in the high 40's and daytime temps
about 72 degrees F.
Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Report and river conditions: 11-20-2010
Canyon Dam release 110 CFS. Water clear with green tint, temp. 62 degrees F. First time fly fishers Dan Dohnalek
and his son Hayden joined us for a couple of tough days of fishing. We hooked several nice Guadalupe trout, but only
got one in the net.
Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Report and river conditions:
11-23-2010, Canyon Dam release 110 CFS. Water clear with light green tint. Half day float with Paul and
Gail Wallace was non stop action hooking more huge Guadalupe trout than we could count. Some fish exceeded five pounds.
They jumped and ran like crazy. Of course, the anglers are expert fly fishers.
Guadalupe Trout Fishing Report and River Conditions: 11-26-2010, Canyon Dam Release 112 CFS, water clear
with green tint. Short 1/2 day float with Mark Wilshusen and Yvonne Jackson produced several explosive hook ups.
Yvonne landed a huge rainbow and Mark caught a hard fighting smallmouth bass on a stone fly nymph.
Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Report and River conditions: 11-27-2010, 11-28-2010. Canyon Dam release
110 CFS. Water clear with light green tint. Al Leoanard and Lynn joined us from Canada for two tough days of Guadalupe
Trout fishing. We managed to land a couple of fish but they weren't easy.
Trout Fly Fishing Report and River conditions: 12-03-2010, Canyon dam release 110 CFS. Ron Mcaffee from
Florida and Zach from Austin joined us for a six mile float. We landed several really big Guadalupe trout. One
fish approached seven pounds! Prince nymphs were the ticket.
Guadalupe Trout
Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: 12-5-2010, Canyon Lake release 112 CFS. Water clear and cold.
Half day trip with Todd Westbrook and his Dad produced several hook ups and we manged to land a big Guadalupe River rainbow
trout and a nice Guadalupe River smallmouth bass.
Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: 12-18-2010, Canyon Lake Release 110 CFS, water
cold with chalky green tint. Guided trip with Mike Carr from New Braunfels yielded many hard fighting, slab-sided Guadalupe
Trout; some in the 5lb range. We sight casted to many of the fish, making for great fun! We saw many nice mayflies
including Trico's and Hexagenias coming off.
Guadalupe Trout Fishing report and river conditions: 12-27-2010, Canyon Lake release 112 CFS, water
temp 53 degrees F. Will Carr and his Dad Mike joined us for a six mile float. We sight casted to many large Guadalupe
trout. The guys managed to land two huge fish and another nice sized one. Will caught the biggest Guadalupe trout,
it was in the 5lb range. The Guadalupe rainbow jumped three times and made the drag "sing" with blinding runs.
Will managed to keep the "pig" from breaking off on the sharp bedrock ledges. Will's Guadalupe trout is pictured
Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Report and River conditions: 12-30-2010, Canyon Lake release 112 CFS,
water chalky with green tint, good visibility. Charlie and Hunter Granstaff joined me for an enjoyable day trip.
On our six mile float we sight casted to many Guadalupe trout. Luckily these guys are expert anglers, because there
were holiday crowds and lots of fish with sore mouths. Charlie landed a really nice Guadalupe trout pictured above.
Guadalupe Trout Fishing Report and River conditions: 1-02-2011, Canyon Lake release 105 CFS. Water
cold and clear with light green stain. Six mile float with Dr. Randy Marx and his wife Emily elected to use conventional
spinning gear, but the fish weren't cooperating. We saw lots of fish landed on fly, but they wouldn't eat our lures.
The Marx family decided to return to the Guadalupe and try fly fishing next time.
Trout Fishing Report and River Conditions: 1-10-2011, Steven Bowka guided Mark Patty from Indiana on an ultralight spin fishing
trip targeting Guadalupe Trout. They fished with single barbless hooks on their jigs. They landed many nice Guadalupe
Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: 1-17-2011, Canyon Lake release 130 CFS.
Steven Bowka hosted Ryan Nycole from Austin on a full day trip from Rio Raft Company to Lazy L and L. They hooked, caught
and released many nice Guadalupe Trout. Prince nymphs were the ticket.
Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: 1-20-2011, Jeremy Smearman and his buddy came from
Atlanta to fish for Guadalupe Trout. The morning started off with fog and light rain, but that didn't deter their guide
Greg Smith. After a couple of hours the guys had already landed some fat Guadalupe Trout. A strong norther blew
through clearing the skies and giving the guys blue-bird conditions to finish their trip.
Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Updated January 25, 2011, Canyon Lake
release 117 CFS, water clear with light green tint. Half day instructional float with Terry and Karen Ryan from Bulverde
yielded several nice Guadalupe Trout. The Ryans did really well for their first fly fishing trip. Caddis emergers
and drowned trico spinners were the ticket for Guadalupe Trout action.
San Marcos River Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Updated January 28th, 2011. Water clear
with light green tint. Flow 160 CFS. Half day scouting trip from County Road 101 to Skull's crossing yielded a
wealth of information. Lot's of fish and no people on the river.
Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Updated, January 29th, 2011. Canyon
lake release 118 CFS. Water temp. 62 degrees F. Half day trip with David Stinett and his friend Kenneth yielded
many nice fish including a 6lb Guadalupe Trout, several other nice Guadalupe Trout and a red horse that put up a big fight
including a 2 foot jump above the water surface. Prince Nymphs and egg patterns were the ticket!
Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Updated Saturday February 4th, 2011. Flow
130 CFS. Greg Smith, one of our guides, hosted Bob Kretschmer and his buddies landing a possible new state fly
fishing record, for catch and release category. The huge Guadalupe Trout is pictured below. The possible "new
state record Guadalupe Trout" measured 26" and weighed almost 8lbs. The possible new record Guadalupe Trout
was released healthy and unharmed after being weighed and measured by Texas Parks and Wildlife personnel.
Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Updated February 11, 2011. Canyon Lake Release
130 CFS. Water temp. 52 degrees F. Water Chalky with green tint. Rick McNulty joined us from Longview, Texas.
His son Mark came from San Antonio to fish for Guadalupe Trout too. The day started off real slow for most anglers on
the water. There were no hatches until late afternoon. Around 4:30 PM there was a prolific Trico and BWO hatch.
That turned the fish on to complete our day.
Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Updated Sunday February 13th, 2011.
Canyon Lake Release 130 CFS. Water slightly chalky with green tint. Steven Bowka, guided "world renowned"
angler Lloyd Mathews of our favorite club "Alamo Fly Fishers". The day was slow for everyone without
a good, solid feeding period. There were quite a few fisherman on the water but Lloyd did better than most landing the
biggest rainbow he has caught in the Guadalupe Trout Trophy zone. Lloyd's Guadalupe Trout is pictured below.
Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Updated Wednesday February 16th, 2011.
Canyon Lake release 130 CFS. Water temp. 54 degrees F. Half day float from Rio to Lazy L and L with Ed Voboril
from Arizona yielded a couple of nice Guadalupe Trout. There were quite a few fishermen on the water and most people
were struggling to catch fish. There was a late afternoon BWO hatch and that seemed to turn the fish on.
Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Updated February 26th, 2011. Canyon
Lake Release 130 CFS. Water Chalky with green tint. Sixth annual guide trip for Felipe Castenada and his buddy
Bill produced several explosive hook ups on streamers. We dead drifted nymphs all morning with little success, so we
switched to bugger patterns. There were lots of people fishing, but we were able to find a few un-molested Guadalupe
Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Updated Wednesday March 2nd, 2011.
Canyon Lake release 130 CFS. Water temp. 56 degrees F. Half day trip with Kevin Macbride and his buddy Sean produced
several explosive hook ups with Guadalupe Trout. Prince nymphs with zugg-bug dropper proved to be the ticket.
Kevin Macbride is pictured below with his Guadalupe Trout.

Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Austin San Antonio Texas |
Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Updated Thursday, March 17th, 2011. Canyon
Lake release 130 CFS. Water temp. 57 dgrees F. Water clear with light green, chalky tint. Claire Jones and
her Dad Rocky joined me for a 6 mile float from Rio to Gardo's. There were quite a few fishermen on the water, but the
guide boats were spread out. Claire started the day as a "newby fly fisher." By the end of the day,
she was casting, mending and landing fish like a pro. Claire Jones is pictured below with one of her Guadalupe Trout.
Devils River Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: April, 5th, 6th 7th and 8th, 2011. Devils
River flow at Baker's Crossing 145 CFS. Water crystal clear at 76 dgrees F. Our expedition team had the pleasure
of hosting Al Perkins, with Costa Del Mar and his ad agency and good friends from Austin, Bryan Jesse, Mark McGarrah and Linda.
We encountered great weather conditions and the fish were cooperating too. Everyone toured the Devils River canyon
by helicopter. Our pilot is a neighboring rancher and he's a great tour guide too! See pictures below.
Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: March 21st, 2011. Water level low, but very
fishable. Half day fly fishing lesson with Barry Brupbacher and his buddy produced two beginning fly fishers. After
our stream side casting lesson, we hit the water and put our new skills to work.
Marcos River Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Monday May 2nd, 2011. San Marcos spring flow 137 CFS. Water
temp 75 degrees F. Half day lesson/float trip with Tom Roberts and his two friends produced three beginning fly fishers. After
our stream side casting lesson, we got into the rafts and floated about three river miles. Along the way, we landed
several large sun fish and a couple of nice bass. Pretty good start!

Doyle Mosier, Inland Fisheries Biologist Texas Parks and Wildlife |
San Marcos River Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Saturday May 14th, 2011. Flow 120 CFS. Water
clear with green tint. We hosted Doyle Mosier with Texas Parks and Wildlife Inland Fisheries, Greg and Kelly Wilkinson
and their new in-law Phil. We did a day trip from County Road 101 to Skull's Crossing. Overall, a pretty slow
day; but we managed to land a few nice fish. Doyle Mosier is pictured with a nice largemouth bass.
San Marcos River Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Wednesday May 18th, 2011. Spring flow
approximately 120 CFS. Water clear with light green tint. Trip with Kevin Huchison, and his good friend, and client
Don Canada (Boat show producer San Antonio and Austin), yielded several nice bass and sunfish. Don brought his boys;
they were fun to be with.... and they could fish!
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Report
and River Conditions: Wednesday May 25th, 2011. Water low, and clear, with light green tint; but very fish-able.
Half day fly fishing lesson / float with Dave Rentschler and his son Andrew, from Austin, produced a couple of really
nice bass and many sunfish. The guys did a good job of learning new techniques and casting. This was a good introduction
to fly fishing for both.
San Marcos River Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Updated Friday June 17th, 2011. San Marcos River spring flow
107 CFS, water temp. 72 degrees F. Water clear with decent flows. Full day fly fishing float trip / lesson was attended
by Clyde Echols, Will Echols and their friends Dale and Travis from Montgomery County. We floated about 3 river miles and
encountered only a handful of tubers. The water felt refreshing on a hot Hill Country day. The whole group did well learning
to fly fish. We landed many fiesty sunfish and hooked several bass. Will Echols was the champ of the day landing the new
state record (fly fishing category) "Red Eared Sunfish." The Boga Grip showed 2lbs! Instead of claiming the "official
state record" and killing the fish, Will took the high road and released the massive flat fish to fight another day!
San Marcos River Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Thursday June 30th, 2011. Flow
about 105 CFS, water relatively clear at about 74 degrees F. Keitt Wood came from Hill Top Lakes to fish for a half day trip
on the 101 to Skull's route. We hooked some sunfish and nice little bass. We also saw some larger bass chasing our fish
as we attempted to land them. There were no tubers and only two kayaks seen that morning.
Guadalupe River Fly
Fishing Report and River Conditions: Thursday July 7th, 2011. Flow about 80 CFS. Bill Schubert and his son from Australia
joined us for a half day rafting / fly fishing trip. Bill hooked many nice smallmouth, largemouth and sunfish. Bill also
did battle with a 5 lb smally that finally kicked his butt, and got away. We also hooked and did battle, with another huge
smallmouth that got away too.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Tuesday July 20th, 2011,
Water flow slow, but fishable. Half day float with Chris Evans from Dallas, and his buddy John, from Washington D.C., produced
lots of bass, sunfish and good times. The guys' casting was a little rusty at first, but they got the hang of it as the morning
progressed. We didn't see any tubers or other traffic at all.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions:
Updated Saturday July 16th, 2011. Dave Overstrum from Connecticut joined us for a half day fly fishing float for bass.
There weren't any other user groups until we got off the water before noon. We encountered many brightly colored sunfish,
small fiesty bass and several hook ups with larger bass too. We hugged the shade of the big pecan trees and cypress trees
for a comfortable morning. We saw whitetail deer, hawks, herons, ducks and lizards on our morning float.

Fly Fishing Guides, Classes, Instruction near Austin and San Antonio Texas |
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Updated Wednesday August 10 and 11th, 2011. Dr. Jim MacMahon,
Dean of Science at Utah State University and Beautiful wife Patty, joined Guide Kevin Stubbs for a two day trip on the Guadalupe
River. We started really early in the morning and finished before it became too hot. We encountered very few other people
on the river. We did, however encounter large numbers of slab-sided sunfish and many small to medium sized bass. Jim and
Patty specifically came to catch and release the only Cichlid native to North America, "The Rio Grande." Jim claimed
his prize in the last few minutes of our second day of fishing the Guadalupe River. What's not to like?
River Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Sunday August 21st, 2011, Water conditions clear with green tint. Half Day
instructional float with Todd Westbrook and his future brother in law yielded many brightly colored sunfish and fiesty Guadalupe
River bass. We saw a few tubers later in the day, but there wasn't much river traffic.
Marcos River Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Saturday, September 3rd 2011. Water clear with chalky color, temp.
78 degrees F. Jim Gebhart and his son joined us for an enjoyable day of catching on the San Marcos River. We released dozens
of brightly colored sunfish, Rio Grande Cichlids and fiesty smallmouth and largemouth bass. We didn't encounter any other
fishermen the entire day.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Monday September 5th, 2011.
Water clear with green tint. Miguel Portillo and his lovely wife joined us from Mexico City while touring Texas Fly Fishing
attractions. We caught and released dozens of sunfish, smallmouth and largemouth bass. We encountered a handful of tubers,
but they didn't affect our fishing.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Friday October 14th, 2011. Canyon Dam Release
about 76 CFS, water clear with light green stain. Cooler weather produced prolific hatches of Tricos, midges and Blue Winged
Olives. Sunfish and small bass were gulping flies by the mouthfull. Bigger bass were crashing the sunfish and minnow species
on the surface. Dave Baker from Cuero, brought his buddy from Canada. They fly fish all over the world and had some good stories.
We managed to land about 30 sunfish and small bass, mostly on top. The action slowed as the day warmed and we started stripping
weighted streamers. That produced sveral more nice bass.
Devils River Fly Fishing report and river conditions: Saturday November 12, 2011. Flow at Baker's Crossing
approximately 145 CFS. water temp. 65 degrees F. Kevin Stubbs was joined by his good friends, Mike Luigs and Ashley, for a
short float on the San Pedro Ranch. The bite was slow, but we got our casting practice in with high southerly winds. Our trip
was cut short, when an errant wind gust, blew a huge streamer fly at Ashley, and she got hooked. Luckily, Mike had his Cessna
180 handy at the air strip and flew Ashley back to San Angelo to have the hook removed....Man was she brave!! She said it
didn't hurt at all; she's a tough lady! See pictures below.
Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Sunday November 20th, 2011. Water clear with green
stain, temp: 62 degrees F. Flow is pretty low, but very fishable. Float trip with Greg Damianoff and his buddy Frank from
Houston produced quite a few nice, Guadalupe Rainbow Trout. The Fall colors were vivid with a beautiful blue sky.
Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Monday November 21st, 2011. Water low and clear
with light green stain. Float trip from Rio to L and L, produced a huge Guadalupe Trout. Mike Parish came from Colorado, where
he fishes all the time, and.....He caught one of the largest rainbows in his fishing career. The huge Guadalupe Trout was
in the 6 pound range.
Gudalupe Trout Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Wednesday November 30, 2011. Half day guide training/scouting
float with Chrissy Smith and Ashlee Newman-Montandon revealed lots of rainbow trout on the move. The fish seemed to
be schooling and hunting. This provided lots of sight casting opportunities. It reminded me of bone fishing in
the Carribean.... you have to lead them, to present the fly properly; almost like hunting.
Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Guide Report Updated Saturday December 17, 2011. Jud Cole hosted Andy Thielen
from San Antonio. Their Guadalupe Fishing trip started at Whitewater Sports and they floated to Rio Raft Company. Guadalupe
Trout Unlimited stocking truck broke down, and the most recent stocking was slowed, while the tow truck pulled the huge trout
stocking truck to trout stocking sites, in the Trophy Trout Special Regulation Zone. Our guys managaged to land about a dozen
nice Guadalupe Trout.
Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Report Updated Tuesday, December
20, 2011. Water clear with light green tint. Donated trip (American Cancer Society) today was lots of fun with quite a few,
Guadalupe trout being landed on "dry droppers, " If you've fished in the Rockies, you know this is a proven technique.
Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Updated Friday December 23, 2011. Danny Duff
hosted recipients of gift certificate "For the Cure." They floated about 3 river miles. The cold weather and high
winds made it more difficult than usual, but they ended up with several nice Guadalupe Trout. Prince nymphs were the ticket!
Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Updated Wednesday December 29, 2011. Guadalupe
River fly fishing guide, Kevin Stubbs hosted hosted Phil Lane, General Manager of KSAT 12 San Antonio TV Station. Phil brought
his boys Christopher and Justin for a long day of Guadalupe Trout fishing. Although there were quite a few fishermen out,
we managed land several nice Guadalupe trout. Prince nymphs with an egg attaractor, was the ticket to catching fish at the
Trout Unlimited Stocking sites
Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Updated Monday January 2,
2012. Charlie Granstaff and Hunter Granstaff joined Expedition Outfitters' guide Kevin Stubbs for a 6 mile float from Rio
Raft Company. There were quite a few Guadalupe Trout fly fishermen out for the extended holiday. The bite was slow in the
morning. The afternoon yielded a BWO and Trico hatch, which put a few fish in a feeding mode. Hunter spotted a couple of big
male Guadalupe trout in the skinny water and successfully landed both of them. See a picture of Hunter's Guadalupe trout below.
Devils River Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Updated Saturday January 7, 2012. River flow
133 CFS at Baker's Crossing, water gin clear at 60 degrees F. Guide training and scouting with Chrissy Smith and Laura and
Bryant Baker revealed a cohesive expedition team. A short fly fishing float gave everyone their casting practice. We also
scouted the "outback" of the Russell Ranch in preparation for the Outdoor Adventure School.
San Marcos River Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Updated Wednesday January 11, 2012. San Marcos River
spring flow 111 CFS. Water slightly chalky and off color from recent rainfall. Kevin Stubbs was joined by Chrissy Smith and
her dad Jim. This was Jim's first fly fishing lesson. He, and Chrissy did well with their presentations, but the fish weren't
cooperating. We had several fish on, but we only got one to the boat.
Devils River
Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Updated Thursday February 16, 2012. Flow at Pafford crossing 180 CFS. Water gin clear
at 62 degrees F. Three day scouting trip to the "New" Devils River State Natural Area revealed good access points
on ten miles of frontage. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department asked us to evaluate fishing opportunities on the 20,000 acre
property. We landed many nice smallmouth and white bass. White clouser minnows proved to be the ticket.
Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Updated Thursday February 23, 2012. Guadalupe
River, Canyon Dam release about 100 CFS. The creeks and springs are flowing again adding another 30 CFS. Water stained green
and slightly chalky with decent visibility. Kevin Stubbs had a pleasant surprise hosting his high school principal from Westlake
High School in Austin. Pat Patterson came to join us for a fun filled day of recollection and fishing. Pat landed some really
nice Guadalupe Trout. They fought hard, jumping often, sometimes almost five feet in the air.
Guadalupe Trout Guide Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Updated Saturday February 25, 2012. Canyon
Dam release 100 CFS, water temp. 56 degrees F, water stained slightly green and chalky. Greg Smith hosted Rice University
professor Alex Butler and his Dad. Guadalupe Trout Fest was underway at Rio Raft Company. Despite the crowds, the guys did
very well. They landed many nice Guadalupe River rainbow trout. Double prince nymphs proved to be the winning combination.
Devils River Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Updated March 1, 2012. Flow at Baker's Crossing 128 CFS.
Water gin clear at 67 degrees F. Cliff and Sally Mycoskie, and John and Tammy Newborn joined us for a multi day Devils Fishing
trip. The weather was epic! The clear, calm conditions made for difficult stalking. When it's this calm in crystal clear conditions,
the fish often see us first. If they see predators they get lock jaw. Despite difficult, yet beautiful conditions, we managed
to land several nice fish. Cliff was the champ making long and accurate casts!
Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Updated Wednesday March 14, 2012. Canyon Lake release
100 CFS. Water temp. 62 degrees F. Water stained green with cloudy conditions from recent rainfall. Gary Teer and his buddy
Bob, joined us from New Braunfels. Gary is a retired fishing guide and hammered many nice Guadalupe trout. Bob did well too;
although it was easy to see the results from a professional at work. Half way through the day, Jake DePriest, manager of Gruene
Outfitters, took over the guide duties and finished up the trip putting the guys on several more trophy Guadalupe trout.
Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Guide Report: Updated Saturday March 17, 2012. Canyon Lake release 100 CFS. Water temp.
59 degrees F. Water chalky and stained green. Greg Smith, one of our guides, hosted Kyle Johnson and his buddy Ron for an
instructional lesson/float. The guys did well putting their new skills to work hooking several nice Guadalupe River Rainbow
Trout. Ron is pictured below with one of his Guadalupe Trout.
Devils River Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Updated Friday March 23, 2012. Flow at Baker's Crossing
127 CFS.Water gin clear at 72 degrees F. Jeff Moss with Exxon Mobil brought his fishing buddies to fish with us on the Russell
Ranch. One of Jeff's buddies, Steve came from England just to fish the Devils River. Luckily all of the guys were expert fly
fishers. The weather was clear and calm with temps in the 70's. The calm conditions were perfect for sight casting. Some of
the big pools resembled bone fish flats with prowling bass, catfish and carp. We didn't land large numbers of fish, but we
ended up with several trophies, which we released unharmed. See Tom's trophy smallmouth pictured below.
Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Updated March 26, 2012. Canyon Lake Release
100 CFS. Water temp. 62 degrees F. Water stained green and chalky. One of our guides, Jake DePriest, manager of Gruene Outfitters,
hosted Betzy Griffin for an afternoon float on the Guadalupe River. They floated about 3 river miles from Rio Raft Company
to Lazy L and L. They hooked several nice Guadalupe River Rainbow Trout and enjoyed a wonderful Central Texas Spring day.
Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Guide and River Report: Updated Thursday March 29, 2012. Canyon Lake release
100 CFS. Water temp. 64 degrees F. Half day scouting trip with Chris Adams, fly fishing manager at Gruene Outfitters produced
many hook ups with fiesty Guadalupe Trout. Chris is joining us as a seasoned fly fishing guide. When Chris isn't running the
fly fishing department at Gruene Outfitters, he'll be on the water guiding for Expedition Outfitters. Chris said the key to
success yesterday was a tan colored San Juan worm.
Devils River Fly Fishing Guide
Report and River Conditions: Sunday April 22, 2012. Flow at Pafford Crossing 165 CFS. Water crystal clear at 79 degrees F.
Scouting trip with Mark and Kathy Rushing at the "new" Devils River State Natural Area, yielded many nice largemouth
and smallmouth bass. The wind was gusting 35 mph, but Mark Rushing was able to punch his flies into the wind. Mark is pictured
below at the confluence of the Devils River and Lake Amistad.

Mark Rushing with tophy Devils River largemouth |
San Marcos River Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Updated Thursday May 3, 2012. San Marcos
River flow 197 CFS, water clear at 73 degrees F. Mike Frampton with El Paso Natural Gas Company hosted a "team building
fly fishing lesson/rafting float trip" for eight of his key employees. We traveled about three river miles putting their
new skills to work. The first time fly fishers managed to land several nice largemouth and smallmouth bass. We also filled
in with lots of scrappy sunfish.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guide Report and River
Conditiopns: Updated Saturday May 5, 2012. Canyon Lake release 97 CFS. Water slightly chalky with light green stain. Randy
Gates and his son joined us for a fly fishing lesson/instructional float. After our casting lessons we flaoted about three
river miles landing several nice smallmouth and largemouth bass on poppers. We encountered a handful of kayakers, but they
didn't bother the fishing.
Devils River Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Updated May 23, 2012. Baker's Crossing flow 200
CFS. Guide Kevin Stubbs was joined by Ruthie Russell, William Russell, Johnny Russell and McLean Bowman for a 5.5 mile float
from Turkey Bluff Ranch to the "new Devils River State Natural Area". We hooked up and laned several nice smallmouth
bass and McLean Bowman landed a 10 lb class Largemouth Bass. It was a beautiful day but windy. McLean's 10 lb largemouth is
pictured below.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Updated Friday June 1, 2012. Canyon
Lake release 110 CFS. Water temp: 64 degrees F. Half day, two boat guide trip with Kyle Kettler and his son Will yielded several
nice hook ups with acrobatic Guadalupe River rainbow trout. Jud Cole hosted Jeff and his son Bill too. They got six Guadalupe
trout to the boat. Good job guys!
San Marcos River Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions:
Updated June3, 2012. San Marcos River flow 220 CFS. Water relatively clear about 72 dgrees F. Half day fly fishing guide trip/casting
lesson was sucessfully performed with Rob Stewart and his family from Dallas. The guys were in one boat, and the girls were
in a another. The guys landed a couple of bass, but the girls kicked out butt with a really nice smallmouth bass.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Updated Monday June 4, 2012. Gudalupe River flow about
190 CFS in the warm water section. Water relatively clear with green stain. Half day float with John Schlobaum and his son
yielded several fiesty Guadalupe bass. We also landed countless numbers of brightly colored sunfish. We saw a total of five
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions:
Updated Thursday June 15, 2012. Canyon Lake release 100 CFS, and the springs and creeks are adding another 40 CFS; good fishing
flow though. Water relatively clear with green stain. Charlie Ice III and his lovely wife, joined guide Kevin Stubbs for a
half day lesson/rafting float. We encountered no tubers all morning. This is in part, due to the "can ban" in the
New Braunfels area. The tubers think alcohol has been banned, but it's just the disposable containers. The lack of tubers
this season has made for better fishing. We landed many nice bass on poppers and countless brightly colored sunfish. Charlie
is pictured below with one his bass.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Updated Saturday June 16, 2012. Flow about
135 CFS. Mike Kolaski and Trish Kolaski joined us for a half day float. Mike and Trish landed countless numbers of brightly
colored sunfish, many fiesty little Guadalupe bass, a catfish, and two Rio Grande Cichlid. One of the Rio Grande Cichlids
is pictured below.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Updated Saturday June 23, 2012. Canyon Lake
release about 80 CFS with creeks and springs adding another 30 CFS for 110 total. Half day lesson/float trip with Kimber and
Jerry Brown produced two new fly fishers. Jerry did a pretty good job learning new skill sets but, his wife Kimber caught
on immediately casting like a seasoned pro. She put her popper rig within inches of the bank every time....very impressive!
We caught and released many brightly colored sunfish and small bass. Kimber is pictured below with one of her bass.
San Marcos River Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions Updated Monday July 2, 2012. San Marcos
River Spring Flow 197 CFS. Water clear at 72 degrees F. Expedition Outfitters guides Harrison Nash and Kevin Stubbs hosted
Paul Hanusa, Jarred Hanusa, Mary Hanusa and Madison Hanusa for a fun filled, two boat, fly fishing lesson/rafting float trip,
on the beautiful spring fed San Marcos River. Everyone caught on quickly and Jarred caught several fish right off the bat.
Paul started to pick up a few fish and took the lead. Harrison put Mary on the bow of his raft and she took the lead from
Paul catching many fish in a row. All of a sudden, Madison got real hot, (which of course she is!) and boated fish after fish!
Madison is pictured below with one of her many fish! Wish you were here!
San Marcos River Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Updated Saturday July 7, 2012. San
Marcos River spring flow 197 CFS. Water temp. 73 degrees F. Half day float with Kyle Kettler, his wife Tracy, his son Will
and Kyle's mom yielded many hard fighting bass and sunfish. The day was warm, but we hugged the tree shaded canopy. We saw
no tubers along the way.
Upper Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guide Report and River
Conditions: Updated Friday August 3, 2012. Half day trip on Guadalupe River near Comfort Texas produced many brightly colored
sunfish and pure strain Guadalupe Bass. Poppers proved to be the ticket. Even though the river flow was relatively low, the
water was very refreshing and the shaded tree canopy was welcomed.
San Marcos River
Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Updated Thursday August 9, 2012. San Marcos River flow 187 CFS. Water Temp.
74 degrees F. Half day lesson with Nancy Toth and her nephew Matt, produced two new fly fishers. We started early in the morning
and floated about three river miles. We didn't encounter any tubers along the way. We got into the river several times to
wade fish and swim. The water was very refreshing.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guide
Report and River Conditions: Updated Thursday August 16, 2012. Half day fly fishing lesson/rafting float trip with Michael
Herman from Austin and his buddy produced two new fly fishers. After a brief, shore based casting lesson, we got in the raft
and floated the warmwater section. We caught quite a few fiesty smallmouth, and largemouth bass. We also landed quite a few
sunfish too. Red poppers were the winning ticket. We encountered no tubers during our float.
San Marcos River Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Saturday August 18, 2012. San Marcos Spring flow
180 CFS. Water temp. 74 degrees F. Water clear, but slightly chalky. Half day guide training/scouting trip revealed topwater
action with explosive strikes from largemouth and smallmouth bass. Red poppers proved to be the ticket again. We also landed
many brightly colored sunfish. We encountered a few tubers, but none of them went past Don's.
Devils River Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Updated Wednesday August 22, 2012. Flow at Baker's Crossing
127 CFS. Water clear with light green tint. Expedition Outfitters had the pleasure of hosting Nils Pearson and Carroll Hall
from the Austin Fly Fishers. Harrison Nash guided the expert fly fishers to many largemouth and smallmouth bass.
Devils River Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Updated Saturday August 25, 2012. Flow at Baker's Crossing
127 CFS. Water temp 82 degrees F. Water clear with light green tint. Scouting float from San Pedro Ranch to Sycamore Springs
Ranch yielded many nice smallmouth and largemoth bass. Topwater patterns were the ticket.
River Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Updated Friday August 31,2012. Flow app. 80 CFS. Water clear with green tint.
Half day float with Dr. Gomez from Cuba yielded many brightly colored sunfish and several smallmouth and largemouth bass.
Red poppers proved to be the ticket. We encountered only three tubers.
San Marcos
River Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Updated Saturday September 8, 2012. San Marcos spring flow 146 CFS water
temp 75 degrees F. Half day trip with Mark Johnson produced several nice smallmouth bass and brightly colored sunfish. We
also landed a nice 5lb class largemouth on a red popper. He jumped several times almost three feet in the air!
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Updated Thursday September 13, 2012.
Half day lesson/float with Mark and Abel from Houston produced two new fly fishers. The guys landed many brightly colored
sunfish and several hard fighting smallmouth and largemouth bass. We got off the water right before the thunderstorm hit the
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Updated Wednesday October 31, 2012. Flow
app. 80 CFS. Water temp. 75 degrees F. Half day trip with good friend and client Clark Dubriel and his buddy Marcello from
Los Angeles yielded many explosive blow ups on red poppers. We didn't manage to land very many fish, but the opportunities
were there.
San Marcos River Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions:
Updated Sunday November 4, 2012. San Marcos spring flow approx. 150 CFS. Water clear with light chalky stain at 72 degrees
F. Full day float/lesson with Char Hu, and his family from Georgetown, produced several new fly fishers. Char caught on quickly.
He even landed two bass at the same time! Of course, we were using two flies...but still!
River Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Updated Friday November 9, 2012. Half day lesson/rafting float trip with
Abby Foster and her Dad produced a couple of new fly fishers. We had a leisurely float on a beautiful day.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Updated Saturday November 10, 2012. Richard Grimes
and his buddy Ben joined Expedition Outfitters' guide Kevin Stubbs for a 4 mile float in the warmwater section. We caught
too many bass to count. Wish you were here!
Devils River Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Updated Thursday November 15, 2012. Baker's
Crossing flow at 138 CFS. Expedition Outfitters had the pleasure of hosting Texas Monthly Publisher David Dunham, Al Perkinson
with Costa Del Mar and Mark McGarrah and Bryan Jesse with McGarrah-Jesse advertising agency. The bite was slow over all with
very few bass hooked. David Dunham is pictured below at Dolan Falls. Mark McGarrah is pictured below with one of his bass.
Guadalupe River Rainbow Trout Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Updated Monday December 10,
2012. Half day guide training trip with Hayden Gore and Greg Wielander produced more experienced guides. We sight casted to
many huge Guadalupe Rainbow Trout. These fish were stocked last week and many are in the 5lb class. Some of these fish appeared
to be "on the move" enjoying their new found freedom from the hatchery in Missouri.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Updated Saturday December 15, 2012. Four boat, half
day trip with Noel Grewing and his bachelor party gang yielded eight new fly fishers. Greg Smith's boat caught the most fish.
We had lots of laughs and beautiful 70 degree weather too.
River Trout Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Updated Saturday December 22, 2012. Full day Guadalupe River fly fishing
trip with Andy Murray from Colorado Springs, CO yielded several Guadalupe Trout. One of his fish was in the 10 lb class. There
was a nice Trico and BWO hatch. The fish weren't feeding on individual bugs; they were waiting in the eddies and gulping mouth
fulls of little mayflies.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Trout Guide Report
and River Conditions: Updated Friday, December 28, 2012. Half day trip with John Schlobohm and his son in law JW produced
too many Guadalupe Rainbow Trout to count. The Prince nymph proved to be the ticket with a gold ribbed hairs ear dropper.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Updated Thursday January 3, 2013. Expedition
Outfitters' guide Capt. Cody Miller hosted Hilary Sampson's group from the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex. The clients were first
time fly fishers, but Cody was able to school the guys in the art of fly fishing. The fishing was fantastic, but the catching
was pretty slow. The guys hooked several willing fish, but the new fly fishers only landed a small perecentage.
Guadalupe River Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Updated Saturday January 5, 2013. The river level
is low and very clear, but very fishable with lots of sight casting opportunities. Today we hosted winners of a donated gift
certificate benefiting the endangered Kemp's Ridley sea turtle, native to the Texas coast. Our first time fly fishers were
successful at landing several fat, hard fighting Guadalupe River rainbow trout.
River, Rainbow Trout Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Updated Sunday January 6, 2013. Half day trip with Andrew
Schroeder from Houston was blown out by high releases from Canyon Dam. The Canyon Lake Dam, increased the release from 56
CFS to 430 CFS. This spike picked up debris from the river banks and turned the Guadalupe River Chocolate for the remainder
of the day. We cut our losses and called the trip about 2 hours later.
Guadalupe Fishing
Guide Report and River Conditions: Monday January 7, 2013. The Canyon Lake Dam Release has returned to normal after Sunday's
spike in flow. GBRA reported an operator error at the off site control station. They said the operator misplaced a decimal
point when entering flow commands to the Canyon Dam tailrace.
Guadalupe Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Wednesday January 9, 2013. Last night's, and today's
rainfall brought the upper Guadalupe River up to 180 CFS for a short time. The release from Canyon Lake Dam has been increased
too. The water was a little chalky but still green and very fishable. There was a late evening BWO hatch.
Guadalupe Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Thursday January 10, 2013. Canyon Lake Dam release
about 90 CFS. Phil Whittmore from the Lakeway area joined Expedition Outfitters guide Kevin Stubbs for a six mile float from
Rio to the Old Gardo's. We caught and released too many Guadalupe trout to count. We mixed it up with streamers and nymphs
Guadalupe Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Friday January 11, 2013.
Half day scouting trip revealed large Guadalupe trout redistributed throughout the river influenced by higher Guadalupe River
flows. We floated the raft easily over former obstructions that caused us to drag the boat in places, before the recent spikes
in flow. We literally have twice the flow that we had before recent rains. The Edwards Aquifer also rebounded a couple of
feet from recent rains. Things are looking up with springs flowing again.