Guadalupe River Trout Fishing Report and Current Conditions: Sunday November 17, 2024. Morning trip with Donna
and Stan from New Braunfels created two new fly fishers. Stan was sharp and did battle with several fat Guadalupe trout. There
were others on the water, but it was not crowded. The San Juan worm and egg patterns were the ticket. Austin Fly Fishing,
San Antonio Fly Fishing, New Braunfels Fly Fishing, Devils River Fishing Guide. Check out our Gift Certificates for Christmas!
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guide Trout Report and Current Conditions: Tuesday November 19, 2024. Morning trip
with KD from New Braunfels yielded a few takes and one lost battle to a big rainbow. There was a massive trico hatch with
other Mayflies mixed in. The were lots of Micro Caddis too. The sun was blazing bright with clear blue skies. The action was
slow, because we speculate; the fish were feeding under the giant moonlight at night. We saw lots of redding hens and bucks
too. Remember, GRTU stocked brood fish from the hatchery in Missouri. The fish were already spawning when they were loaded
onto the tank truck. Austin Fly Fishing Guides, San Antonio Fly Fishing Guides, New Braunfels Fly Fishing Guides, Devils River
Fishing Guides. Our Gift Certificates are a favorite for Christmas Gifts, they are on sale right now too!
Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Report and Current Conditions: Updated Wednesday November 20, 2024. Fly Fishing
Guide Training with John from Austin yielded several nice Guadalupe Trout. The weather was awesome with high temps around
71 degrees. The skies were clear blue with low humidity. The river flow was 62 cfs with clear water conditions. We saw a massive
Trico hatch with some Caddis too. There were very few people on the water. We practiced rowing, boat handling, rod rigging,
and dead drifting. We also learned to read the water. Austin Fly Fishing Guides, San Antonio Fly Fishing Guides, New Braunfels
Fly Fishing, Devils River Fishing Guide. Our Gift Certificates are the best Christmas Gift for the Outdoors Man or Woman in
your life; and they are on sale too!
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Fishing Report and Current Conditions: Friday November 22, 2024. Canyon
Dam release was 63 cfs with clear and cold water conditions. The weather was awesome with clear blue skies and high temps
in the 70's. The fish were hungry and Caddis emergers and Damsel Nymphs were working good. There were a few people on the
water, but it was not crowded. Austin Fishing Guide, San Antonio Fishing Guide, New Braunfels Fly Fishing Guide, Devils River
Fishing Guides. Our Gift certificates are on sale, just in time for Christmas!
Guadalupe Fly Fishing Guides Fishing Report and Current Conditions: Sunday November 24, 2024. The day started
out with temps in the high 50's. It quickly warmed to the 70's with partly cloudy skies. The flow on the Guadalupe River was
63 cfs with clear and cold water conditions. There was a nice Mayfly hatch with Tricos and BWO's represented. There were a
few people on the river, but it was not crowded. Our best flies were the San Juan Worm, stone fly nymph, and the Zug Bug.
San Antonio Fishing Guides, Austin Fishing Guides, New Braunfels Fishing Guides, Devils River Fishing Guides, San Marcos River
Fly Fishing Guides, Canyon Lake Fishing Guide. Our Gift Certificates are on sale right now, just in time for Christmas!
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guide Current Conditions and Fishing Report: Monday November 25, 2024. Morning
trip with Paul and Cooper produced some nice hook ups. The day was a little warm, but not unpleasant. The flow was clear and
cold with a big Mayfly hatch. Our best flies were egg patterns and drowned Trico spinners. There were a few other fishers
on the water, but it was not crowded. Austin Fly Fishing Guides, San Antonio Fishing, New Braunfels Fly Fishing, Devils River
Fishing, Canyon Lake Fishing Guide, Gudalupe River Fly Fishing. Our Gift Certificates are the best Christmas Presents, and
they are on sale!
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guide and Current Conditions: Tuesday November 26, 2024. Afternoon trip with Shawn
from Austin produced some great hook ups on dry flies. The day started off with clear blue skies and temps in the 50's. It
quickly warmed with the clear sky, but that changed when the clouds rolled in from the southeast with a solid overcast. That's
when the fish began to bite. There were Caddis and Damsels and Tricos too. We even saw some PMD's. Guadalupe River Fly Fishing,
Canyon Lake Fishing, San Antonio Fishing, Austin Fly Fishing, Devils River Fishing Guides, New Braunfels Fly Fishing. Our
Gift Certificates are the best fly fishing Christmas Gifts, for Dad, Mom, Sister and Brother. Our Gift Certificates are on
sale right now!
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Current Fishing Report and Conditions: Thursday November 28, 2024. The Guadalupe
River was empty except for one fisher at Action Angler access. The day was cold and overcast with windy conditions. We didn't
see a hatch, but we were not on the river for very long. The release was 63.3 cfs with clear water conditions. Guadalupe Trout
Guide, Austin Fishing Guide, San Antonio Fishing Guide, New Braunfels Fishing Guide, Devils River Fishing Guide, San Marcos
River Fly Fishing Guide. Our Fly Fishing Gift Certificates are on sale right now with $50 off. Just in time for Christmas!
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Fishing Report and Current Conditions: Saturday November 30, 2024. The Guadalupe
was relatively quiet with fewer fishers than were expected. The weather was nice, but it looks like everyone has sunk into
their couch to ride the holiday out. There were good hatches of Mayflies and midges in the tailrace of Canyon Dam. We held
a private fly fishing lesson for Michelle and Jay, who are RVers at Lazy L and L. We learned distance casting, the roll cast,
and the pick up, lay down cast too. We also learned to read the water and we practiced "Mending" to give us drag
free drift. The release rate from Canyon Lake Dam was 63 cfs with clear and cold water conditions. Austin Fishing Guide, San
Antonio Fishing Guide, New Braunfels Fly Fishing, Canyon Lake Fishing Guides, Guadalupe Trout Fly Fishing Guides, Devils River
Fishing Guides. Our Gift Certificates are the perfect Christmas Gift for the Family, Brother, Sister, Dad, or Mom. The Gift
Certificates are on sale too!
Guadalupe Fly Fishing Guides Current Report and Conditions: Monday December 2, 2024. Short float trip with
the Harder family from New Braunfels produced some great hook ups in the fast water. We fished dries because the nymph rigs
were not working. The day was perfect with temps in the 60's and low humidity. The flow was 65 cfs with clear and cold water
conditions. There was a great Mayfly hatch with many species represented. Austin Fishing Guide, San Antonio Fishing Guide,
Canyon Lake Fishing Guide, Devils River Fishing Guide, New Braunfels Fishing Guide. The best Christmas Gift for the entire
family is fly fishing. And our Gift Certificates are on sale!
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Current Fishing Report and Conditions: Updated Tuesday November 3, 2024.
Guide training with John from Austin produced a good scouting trip while perfecting his dry fly presentation. He learned to
expertly mend, and produced drag-free drifts in every current speed and type. Although we had better luck the day before,
our dry flies didn't produce any hook ups. The river wasn't crowded, but we saw some of the same die-hards we usually do.
The release was 66 cfs with clear water conditions. The bugs we saw hatching were caddis and damsels, and mayflies too. Canyon
Lake Fishing Guide, Austin Fishing Guide, San Antonio Fishing Guide, New Braunfels Fishing Guide, Devils River Fishing Guide,
San Marcos River Fly Fishing Guides. The best Christmas Gift for your friends and family is the Gift of Fly Fishing. Our Gift
Certificates are on sale right now!
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Current Fishing Report and Conditions:Updated Wednesday December 4, 2024.
The day was filled with cold rain showers and fog. There were very few fishers on the river. We didn't see a prolific hatch,
but we saw some surface eats. The flow was 65 cfs with cold water conditions. Canyon Lake Fishing Guides, San Antonio Fishing
Guides, New Braunfels Fishing Guides, San Marcos River Fishing Guides, Devils River Fly Fishing Guides, Fly Fishing the Texas
Coast for Redfish and Speckled Trout. The best Christmas Gift is the Gift of Fly Fishing for your Mom, Dad, Brother, or Sister.
Our Gift Certificates are on sale right now with $50 off!
Texas Fly Fishing Guides Guadalupe River Trout Fishing Report and Current Conditions: Updated Friday December
6, 2024. The day was overcast with sporadic fog and light rain in the Guadalupe Canyon. The river was not crowded and there
were very few fishers out. The ones we talked to were nymphing with good success. The release from Canyon Lake Dam was 64
cfs with clear water conditions. We saw midges and caddis, damsels, and Mayflies too. The fishermen we saw, reported nymphs
or wet flies were successful with San Juan Worms, Zug Bugs, Prince Nymphs, little browns, and zebra midges. Canyon Lake Fishing
Guides, Guadalupe River Fishing Guides, Devils River Fishing Guides, San Marcos River Fishing Guides, Llano River Fishing
Guides, Austin Fishing Guides, San Antonio Fishing Guides, New Braunfels Fly Fishing, Fly Fishing Lessons, Rockport Fly Fishing,
Port Aransas Fly Fishing, Canyon Lake Fishing Guides. Our Gift Certificates are on sale right now, so give the gift of fly
fishing for Christmas!
Guadalupe Fly Fishing Guides Current Fishing Report and Conditions: Saturday December 7, 2024. The day was
was overcast with rain and temps in the high 40's. There were a few brave fishers at Action Angler early and they probably
were successful. We didn't see any insects hatching, but we might have missed it in the low light conditions. GRTU stocked
more rainbow trout today and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department did too. The flow was 65 cfs with clear and cold water
conditions. Austin Fishing Guides, San Antonio Fishing Guides, Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides, New Braunfels Fishing Guide,
Canyon Lake Fishing Guide, Devils River Fishing Guide, San Marcos River Fishing Guide. Our Gift Certificates are on sale right
now, just in time for Christmas!
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Current Report and Conditions: Updated Sunday December 8, 2024. Morning
trip with James and Matt from Austin produced some nice rainbow trout. The San Juan Worm was the ticket, along with the Zug
Bug and Caddis Emergers. The flow was 66 cfs with clear and cold water conditions. It was in the mid 40's this morning, but
it warmed to the low 50's with solid overcast skies. The river wasn't totally crowded, but there were quite a few fishers.
We saw a prolific midge hatch though. New Braunfels Fly Fishing, Austin Fishing, San Antonio Fishing, Devils River Fishing
Guide, San Marcos River Fly Fishing, Canyon Lake Fishing Guide. The best Christmas Gift is the Gift of Fly Fishing...and our
Gift Certificates are sale priced with $50 off!
Guadalupe Fly Fishing Guide Current Fishing Report and Conditions: Monday December 9, 2024. Canyon Lake Dam
release was 65 cfs with clear water conditions. There was a nice mayfly hatch when the fog burned off and the sun came out.
There were BWO's Tricos and we saw cream colored Caddis too. There were quite a few people on the water, but it wasn't overly
crowded. Guadalupe Fly Fishing Guide, San Marcos River Fishing Guide, New Braunfels Fly Fishing Guide, San Antonio Fishing
Guides, Austin Fishing Guides, Devils River Fishing Guides, Canyon Lake Fishing Guide. The best Christmas gift for your family
is the gift of fly fishing! Our Gift Certificates are on sale with $50 off! We also offer fly fishing classes, lessons, and
instruction near Austin, San Antonio and New Braunfels Texas.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guide Current Fishing Report and Conditions: Tuesday December 10, 2024. The Guadalupe
was not crowded, but there were quite a few fishers out. The weather started out foggy with temps in the high 40's, but the
sun came out with a frontal passage. The winds were blowing 20 plus mph after the front pushed through mid day. The flow was
65 cfs with clear water conditions. The high volume of leaves and Cypress needles will make it hard for presentation due to
the high winds from the front. Guadalupe Fly Fishing Guide, San Antonio Fishing Guide, Austin Fishing Guide, New Braunfels
Fly Fishing Guide, Devils River Fishing Guide, San Marcos River Fishing Guides. The best Christmas Gift for your Dad, brother,
Mom or sister is the Gift of Fly Fishing. Our Gift Certificates are on sale right now!
Guadalupe Fly Fishing Guides Fishing Report and Current Conditions: Thursday December 12, 2024. The day started
out pretty frigid for Texas. It was 29 degrees F in our section of the Guadalupe Canyon. The release from Canyon Lake was
65 cfs with clear water conditions. The day quickly warmed to the mid 60's with Caddis, Mayflies, and some Crane flies hatching.
Even though, there are bugs on the surface, you're better off drifting nymphs. The river was relatively uncrowded with a few
fishers out. Canyon Lake Fishing Guide, New Braunfels Fishing Guide, Guadalupe Fishing Guide, New Braunfels Fishing Guide,
San Antonio Fishing Guides, Austin Fishing Guide, Texas Coast Fly Fishing Guides, Devils River Fishing Guide. Fly Fishing
is the best Christmas Gift, and our Gift Certificates are sale priced $50 off!
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Current Fishing Report and Conditions: Friday December 13, 2024. The river
flow was 65 cfs with clear and cold water conditions. The weather was overcast with rain most of the day, but it was pleasant
with temps in the low 60's. There were very few people on the water. We saw some caddis hatching and some Mayflies too. Guadalupe
Fly Fishing Guide, Austin Fishing Guide, San Antonio Fishing Guide, New Braunfels Fly Fishing Guide, Devils River Fishing
Guide, Canyon Lake Fishing Guide, Texas Coast Fly Fishing Guides. Our gift certificates are on sale, and they are the perfect
Christmas Gift!
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Current Fishing Report and Conditions: Updated Saturday December 14,
2024. Morning trip with Chad and his brother produced two new fly fishers. The guys started off with lessons from the guide
on shore, then we floated about 3 miles putting our new skills to work. We didn't see a big insect hatch, and the fish didn't
seem real hungry. Even so, we landed a couple on nymphs. The flow was 65 cfs with clear and cold water conditions. The river
was pretty crowded because of the weekend and nice temps, but it was tolerable. Guadalupe Fly Fishing, San Antonio Fishing,
Austin Fishing Guides, New Braunfels Fishing Guides, Canyon Lake Fishing Guides, Devils River Fishing Guides, Fishing the
Texas Coast For Redfish and Speckled Trout.
Guadalupe Fly Fishing Guides Current Trout Fishing Report and Conditions: Monday December 16, 2024. We didn't
see any hatches today with overcast and wet conditions. The outflow from Canyon Lake was 65 cfs with clear and cold water
conditions. There were quite a few fishers on the water at Action Angler, but everywhere else it was not crowded. We talked
to a few fishers tht reported good hook ups with rainbows in the 1.5 to 3 lb range. That's pretty awesome for Texas. Canyon
Lake Fishing Guides, San Antonio Fishing Guides, Austin Fishing Guides, New Braunfels Fishing Guides, Devils River Texas Fishing
Guide, Texas Coast Fishing Guides. Our half day Guadalupe trips are on sale right now!
Guadalupe Trout Fishing Guides Current Report and Conditions: Updated Thursday December 19, 2024. The day started
off chilly with temps in the mid 40's. The day warmed to 70 degrees with clear blue skies. The flow from Canyon Lake Dam was
67 cfs with clear and cold water conditions. We saw very few fishers today because they are probably at work or Christmas
shopping. There was a nice Mayfly and Caddis hatch. We saw a few trout rising, but not a lot of risers. The San Juan worm
and egg patterns are still producing. Canyon Lake Fishing Guides, San Antonio Fishing Guides, Austin Fishing Guides, Devils
River Fishing Guides, San Marcos River Fishing Guides, New Braunfels Fly Fishing Guide. Our fly fishing gift certificates
are the perfect Christmas Gift for Dad, sister, brother, or Mom.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Current Report and Fishing Conditions: Updated Sunday December 22, 2024.
Morning trip with Michelle and Jay produced some great hook ups and new fly fishers. The day started out pretty cool and overcast,
but it warmed to the mid 60's. The fish were hungry for the sucker spawn pattern and San Juan Worm. We saw a massive Mayfly
hatch and got a couple of fish on drowned trico spinners. There were lots of fishers out because of the holiday. Even though,
we caught the fish in a hungry mood. The flow from Canyon Lake Dam was 65 cfs with clear and cold water conditions. Canyon
Lake Fishing Guide, San Marcos River Fishing Guide, Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides, Devils River Fishing Guide, San Antonio
Fishing Guides, Austin Fishing Guides, New Braunfels Fishing Guide, Texas Coast Fly Fishing Guides, Redfish Fishing Guides,
Gulf Coast Fishing Guides, Rockport Fishing Guides, Port Aransas Fishing Guides.
Guadalupe Fly Fishing Guides Fishing Report and Current Conditions: Tuesday December 24, 2024. Christmas Eve
was pretty clear of people on the Guadalupe River. There were a couple of brave souls who got a kitchen pass from the wifey.
The day was pretty warm with temps in the low 70's. There was a nice Trico hatch and Damsels too. The flow was 65 cfs with
clear water conditions. Guadalupe Fly Fishing, Austin Fishing Guides, San Antonio Fishing Guides, New Braunfels Fishing Guides,
Devils River Fishing Guides, San Marcos River Fishing Guide, Rockport Fishing Guides, Port Aransas Fishing Guides, Texas Red
Fish Guides.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Current Report and Conditions: Updated Wednesday December 25, 2024. Christmas
Day on the Guadalupe saw a handful of fishers. The day was overcast with temps in the mid 50's. We didn't see a hatch, but
we might have missed it with a short scouting schedule. The flow was 65 cfs with clear and cold water conditions. Canyon Lake
Fishing Guide, New Braunfels Fishing Guides, San Antonio Fishing Guides, Austin Fishing Guides, San Marcos River Fly Fishing
Guides, Devils River Fishing Guides, Texas Redfish Guides, Fly Fishing Rockport, Texas Coast Fishing Guides.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Report and Current Conditions: Friday December 27, 2024. The flow from Canyon Lake
Dam was 65 cfs with clear and cold water conditions. The weather was nice with blue skies and high temps near 80 degrees.
There were lots of fishers out enjoying the day and catching lots of fish. Some rainbows were looking up with dry flies being
popular during the Mayfly hatch. Stimulators and Caddis patterns were doing well too. Otherwise the go to nymphs were the
Prince, Zug Bug and egg patterns too. Austin Fishing Guides, San Antonio Fishing Guides, Devils River Fishing Guides, New
Braunfels Fishing Guides, San Marcos River Fishing Guides, Canyon Lake Fishing Guides, Houston Fly Fishing Lessons, Austin
Fly Fishing Lessons, San Antonio Fly Fishing Lessons, Rockport Fishing Guide, Port Aransas Fishing Guide.
Guadalupe Fly Fishing Guide Current Fishing Report and River Conditions: Updated Saturday December 28, 2024.
The morning started off with fog and rain showers. About mid morning a cold front blew through and cleared the skies. The
temps approached the high 70's with lower humidity. There were lots of people on the water and they were having pretty good
success. There was a nice Mayfly hatch and Caddis were coming off too. The flow was steady at 65 cfs with clear and cold water
conditions. We heard the San Juan worm was the ticket with egg patterns producing also. Guadalupe Fishing Guides, Canyon Lake
Fishing Guide, New Braunfels Fishing Guide, Austin Fishing Guide, San Antonio Fishing Guide, Rockport Fishing Guide, Port
Aransas Fishing Guide, Devils River Fishing Guide, San Marcos River Fishing Guide. Our half day fly fishing trips are on sale
for $50 off.
Guadalupe Fly Fishing Guide Current Fishing Report and River Conditions: Sunday December 29, 2024. The day
started off with blue skies and temps in the high 40's. It quickly warmed to almost 80 degrees. The release rate from Canyon
Lake Dam was 65 cfs. There were several insect hatches taking place dominated by Mayflies. Caddis, Damsels and Dragonflies
were present too. The hot fly was reported to be egg patterns again. Stonefly Nymphs were working too. Canyon Lake Fishing
Guide, Austin Fishing Guide, San Antonio Fishing Guides, New Braunfels Fishing, Devils River Fishing Guide, San Marcos River
Fishing Guide, Lake Dunlap Fishing Guide, Rockport Fishing Guides, Port Aransas Fishing Guide. Guadalupe River Trout Unlimited.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Current Fly Fishing Report and Conditions: Monday December 30, 2024. Morning trip
with Heidi from Minnesota and Daryl from Austin produced two new fly fishers. The day started off pretty cool with temps in
the high 30's. It quickly warmed to a high temp in the afternoon of 88 degrees! The bite was slow with clear blue skies and
warmer afternoon temps. There was a massive Trico hatch and the fish we got were on drowned Trico spinners. As expected, there
were tons of people on the water. The flow was steady at 65 cfs. Canyon Lake Fishing, Guadalupe Fishing, New Braunfels Fishing,
San Antonio Fishing, Austin Fishing, Devils River Fishing Guide, San Marcos River Fishing. Fishing Rockport, Fly Fish Rockport,
Port Aransas Fishing, Laguna Madre Fishing Guide.
Guadalupe Trout Fishing Guides Current Fishing Report and River Conditions: Tuesday December 31, 2024. Annual
trip with Bill Cason, Kerry and her sisters produced several nice Guadalupe Trout. The weather was perfect with temps in the
60's. The flow was 65 cfs with clear water conditions. There was a huge Mayfly hatch again, and we served the fish drowned
Trico Spinners. They also ate egg patterns. The river was nearly empty and we enjoyed the solitude. Austin Fishing Guide,
San Antonio Fishing Guide, New Braunfels Fishing Guide, San Marcos River Fishing Guide, Devils River Fishing Guide, Rockport
Fly Fishing Guide, Port Aransas Fishing Guides.
Guadalupe Fly Fishing Current Guide's Report and Conditions: Saturday January 4, 2025. Morning lesson/float
with Colin and his wife produced two new fly fishers. The flow was 65 cfs, with lots of fishers on the water. There was a
very small Mayfly hatch and the fish had lock-jaw because of the pressure. We'll be back to smaller crowds after Sunday, because
the holiday period is over. Canyon Lake Fishing Guide, Devils River Fishing Guide, New Braunfels Fishing Guide, San Antonio
Fishing Guides, Austin Fishing Guide, Rockport Fishing Guide, Port Aransas Fishing Guides, San Marcos River Fly Fishing Guides.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Current River Report and Conditions: Saturday January 11, 2025. We pushed our trip
start time to later in the morning to avoid the colder temps. The weather cleared with temps in the 20's. We'll be drifting
nymphs with one rod rigged for dries just in case there is a hatch. Check back for our success report. Canyon Lake Fishing
Guide, New Braunfels Texas Fishing, San Antonio Texas Fishing Guides, Austin Texas Fishing Guides, Guadalupe Fly Fishing,
Port Aransas Fishing Guide, Rockport Fishing Guide, Devils River Fishing, San Marcos River Fishing.
Guadalupe Fly Fishing Guide Fishing Report and Current Conditions: Saturday December 11, 2025. We had good
success landing fat Guadalupe rainbow trout today. The Zug Bug was the ticket with worms and eggs doing the job too. Even
with lots of people on the water, the fish responded to our presentations. The flow was low, but still very fishable. Canyon
Lake Fishing Guide, Guadalupe Fishing, New Braunfels Fly Fishing, San Antonio Fishing Guide, Austin Fishing Guide, San Marcos
Fishing Guide, Port Aransas Fishing Guide, Rockport Fishing Guides, Devils River Fishing Guide.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Current Fishing Report and Conditions: Updated Monday January 13, 2025.
The flow was good for drifting nymphs. The day started off pretty cool with temps in the high 20's. We started late, so our
fly lines wouldn't freeze in our guides. We didn't see a hatch, but Rudy and Chris caught several nice rainbows on San Juan
worms, Zug Buggs and drowned Trico Spinners. There were people everywhere early but they all seemed to have left after 2:00
pm, and we had the river to our self. San Antonio Fishing Guides, Austin Fishing Guides, New Braunfels Fishing Guide, Canyon
Lake Fishing Guide, Devils River Fly Fishing Guides, San Marcos River Fly Fishing Guides, Rockport Texas Fly Fishing Guides,
Port Aransas Fly Fishing Guides, Port O' Connor Fly Fishing Guides, Laguna Madre Fishing Guides.
Guadalupe Fly Fishing Guide Current Fly Fishing Report and Conditions: Tuesday January 14, 2025. Jon Hyde and
his buddy Riley did some guide training on their own yesterday. They covered about 3 river miles running the raft by themselves.
The fishing was good, but the catching was tough. There were very few people on the water though. We didn't see a big hatch
but there were a few midges and Caddis flying about. The flow has remained unchanged and clear. Guadalupe Fishing Guide, Canyon
Lake Fishing Guide, San Antonio Fishing Guide, Austin Fishing Guides, New Braunfels Fishing, Rockport Fishing Guide, Port
Aransas Fishing Guide, Devils River Fly Fishing Guides.
Guadalupe River Fishing Report and Current Conditions: Friday January 17, 2025. The flow was steady and clear
with temps in the high 40's. The river had a fair amount of fishermen, but it wasn't crowded. The were numerous bugs hatching
in the 60 degree air temps. We saw micro Caddis, Damsels, Mayflies and Crane flies. The hot flies were still pink yarn eggs,
Prince Nymphs, and Emerger patterns. Guadalupe Fly Fishing, Canyon Lake Fishing Guide, San Marcos River Fly Fishing Guide,
Devils River Fishing Guides, San Antonio Fishing Guide, Austin Fishing Guide, New Braunfels Fly Fishing, Port Aransas Fishing
Guides, Fly Fish Rockport, Rockport Fishing Guides.
Guadalupe Fly Fishing Guide Current Fishing Report and River Conditions: Updated Monday January 20, 2025. The
Guadalupe River Flow was steady with cold and clear water conditions. There were quite a few fishers on the water, even with
the cold temps. Action Angler was packed. Even so, everyone appeared to be catching fish. The flies were reported as successful
were, Prince, Zug Bug, Olive Bugger, Pink yarn egg patterns. Canyon Lake Fishing Guide, Port Aransas Fishing Guide, Rockport
Fishing Guide, New Braunfels Fishing Guides, Devils River Fishing Guides, Austin Fishing Guide, San Antonio Fishing Guide,
San Marcos River Fly Fishing Guides.
Guadalupe Trout Fishing Guides Current Fly Fishing Report and Conditions: Updated Tuesday January 21, 2025.
The day started off with overcast skies and a light dusting of snow. The winds were from the Northeast with temps in the 20's.
There was one brave soul who started out at Action Angler at about 8:00 am. He didn't come back until afternoon. There were
a couple of other that showed up around 1:00 pm, but they returned to their cars within a couple of hours. They did, however
land several nice Guadalupe trout. Canyon Lake Fishing Guide, New Braunfels Fishing Guides, San Antonio Fishing Guide, Austin
Fishing Guide, Guadalupe River Fishing Guide, Rockport Texas Fishing Guide, Port Aransas Texas Fishing Guide, Rockport Fly
Fishing Guides, Corpus Christi Texas Fishing Guides. Devils River Fishing Guide, Devils River Fly Fishing Guides, San Marcos
River Fly Fishing Guides.
Guadalupe Fly Fishing Current Trout Report and River Conditions: Wednesday January 22, 2025. The weather started
out with crystal clear blue skies and temps in the low 20's. That's obviously cold for Texas! The Guadalupe River was deserted
except for a couple of brave souls. They appeared at Action Angler at 8:00 am and did not depart until noon. We're sure it
was hunger that drove them back. The flow was 58 cfs with clear and cold water conditions. We did not see a hatch, but there
are always nymphs in the water. Canyon Lake Fishing Guides, New Braunfels Fishing Guides, San Antonio Fishing Guides, Austin
Fishing Guides, Houston Fishing Guides, San Marcos River Fly Fishing Guide, Devils River Fishing Guides, Port Aransas Fishing
Guides, Rockport Fishing Guides, Fly Fish Rockport, Fly Fish Port Aransas, Laguna Madre Fishing Guides.
Guadalupe Fly Fishing Guides Current Fishing Report and Conditions: Updated Friday January 24, 2025. The flow
is steady with clear water and cold conditions. The weather was nice with morning temps around 29 degrees. It quickly warmed
to the high 60's with clear blue skies and strong sunshine. The bite was good with lots of Guadalupe Trout landed and released.
The Prince Nymph, Zug Bug, and Emerger patterns did well. The river was not crowded and there were very few people at Action
Angler. Canyon Lake Fishing Guide, San Antonio Texas Fishing Guides, Austin Texas Fishing Guides, New Braunfels Texas Fishing
Guides, Devils River Fishing Guides, Port Aransas Fishing Guides, Rockport Fishing Guides, Laguna Madre Fishing Guides.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guide Current Report and Conditions: Saturday January 25, 2025. Two boat trip with
Roy and his buddies from San Antonio yielded quite a few nice Guadalupe Trout. The day started off really cool with temps
in the high 20's. The sky was overcast, which helped our case. There wasn't a big hatch to be seen, but there were a few Caddis
and Damsels about. The flow was was clear and cold coming from Canyon Lake Dam. There were quite a few fishers on the water,
but it wasn't overly crowded. Our best flies were the Wooly Bugger, Orange Yarn eggs, and Zug Bugs. Canyon Lake Fishing Guide,
San Marcos River Fishing Guide, San Antonio Fishing Guide, Austin Fishing Guide, New Braunfels Fishing Guide, Port Aransas
Fishing Guide, Rockport Fishing Guide, Devils River Fishing Guides, Laguna Madre Fly Fishing Guides.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Trout Report and Fly Fishing Conditions: Tuesday January 28, 2025. The flow is unchanged
with clear and cold water conditions. There was fog and mist today with temps in the low 50's with solid overcast. There were
quite a few people on the river with wet conditions. The reports were positive with some nice fish, caught and released. The
hot flies were egg patterns, San Juan Worms, Prince Nymphs and Zug Bugs. New Braunfels Fly Fishing, San Antonio Fishing Guides,
Austin Fishing Guides, Port Aransas Fishing Guides, Rockport Fishing Guides, Laguna Madre Fishing Guides, Devils River Fly
Fishing Guides, San Marcos River Fly Fishing Guides.
Guadalupe Fly Fishing Trout Guide Current Fishing Report and River Conditions: Thursday January 30, 2025. The
day started off with rain and thunderstorms. The sun came out around 3:00 pm and the fishers came down to the river to try
their luck. It wasn't crowded at all, but the sunshine brought people out. The flow 59 cfs with clear and cold water conditions.
The flies that reported to be successful were black San Juan Worms, Damsel nymphs, and egg patterns too. Canyon Lake Fishing
Guide, San Marcos River Fishing Guides, Devils River Fishing Guides, Rockport Fishing Guides, Port Aransas Fishing Guides,
Laguna Madre Fishing Guides.
Guadalupe Fishing Guide Fly Fishing Report and Current Conditions: Updated Friday January 31, 2025. The flow
was steady from Canyon Lake Dam at 58 cfs with clear and cold water conditions. Yes, the flow is slow, but there are plenty
of good trout holding in areas with current and small rapids. We caught and released several nice Guadalupe Trout with Paul
from Wimberley. The best fly was the Prince Nymph and the Zug Bug. There were quite a few people on the river, but we found
places that were uncrowded too. Canyon Lake Fishing Guide, Austin Fishing Guide, San Antonio Fishing Guide, Devils River Fishing
Guide, San Marcos River Fishing Guide, Rockport Fishing Guides, Port Aransas Fishing Guide. Laguna Madre Fishing Guide.
Guadalupe Fly Fishing Guide Current Fishing Report and River Conditions: Updated Saturday January 1, 2025.
Morning trip with Paul from Austin produced several nice Guadalupe Trout. The Zug Bug, Prince, and Egg patterns were the ticket.
The sun was bright so the day warmed quickly into the 60's. There was a nice Trico hatch, and the fish were hungry. The release
rate from Canyon Lake Dam was steady from the past few months; low, but very fishable. Canyon Lake Fishing Guide, Austin Fishing
Guide, San Antonio Fishing Guide, New Braunfels Fishing Guide, Port Aransas Fishing Guide, Rockport Fishing Guide, Laguna
Madre Fishing Guide. Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guide, Trout Unlimited Endorsed Fly Fishing Guide.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Current Fly Fishing Report and Conditions: Monday January 3, 2025. The day started
off with dense fog and temps in the low 60's. The day warmed to 80 degrees when the sun came out around 11:00 am. The river
was empty of people and there were only a couple of fly fishers. They reported good catches on San Juan worms, Damsel emergers,
and Drop Back hares ear. The flow was steady around 60 cfs. Canyon Lake Fishing Guide, New Braunfels Fly Fishing, San Antonio
Fishing Guide, Austin Fishing Guide, Port Aransas Fishing Guide, Rockport Fishing Guide, Laguna Madre Fishing Guides, Devils
River Fishing Guides.
Guadalupe Fly Fishing Guide Current Fishing Report and River Conditions: Wednesday January 5, 2025. The morning
started off with fog and light mist. There were a few fly fishers at Action Angler but the river was uncrowded. We didn't
see a hatch, but it might have happened later in the afternoon. The flow was steady and slow. The fishers we talked to said
the hot fly was the Prince Nymph and Zug Bug again. There were also reports of sucker spawn eggs doing well. Fishing Canyon
Lake, Fishing San Antonio, Fishing Austin, Fishing new Braunfels, Fishing Rockport, Fishing Port Aransas, Fishing Laguna Madre,
Fishing Devils River, Fishing San Marcos River.
Guadalupe Fly Fishing Guide Trout Report and Current Conditions: Thursday February 6, 2025. The morning started
off overcast with light fog. The skies clear about 2:00 pm with temps in the high 70's. We didn't see a hatch, but we weren't
out all day. The hot flies were damsel emergers, drowned trico spinners and prince nymphs. The flow was stead at just under
60 cfs. Canyon Lake Fishing Guide, San Marcos River Fly Fishing, San Antonio Fishing Guide, Austin Fishing Guide, New Braunfels
Fishing Guide, Rockport Fishing Guide, Port Aransas Fishing Guide, Corpus Christi Fishing Guide, Devils River Fishing Guides
Guadalupe Fly Fishing Current River Report and Conditions: Friday February 7, 2025. Canyon Lake Dam release
has been steady and low for months. Even so, the Guadalupe has been fishing great! Kevin joined us from Houston. Luckily he
was pretty proficient with trout fishing. We caught and released too many fish to count. The winning fly was the pink yarn
egg. We also got them on the Prince nymph too. The river wasn't too crowded, but there were several fishers on our route.
Canyon Lake Fishing Guides, New Braunfels Fishing, San Antonio Fishing Guides, Austin Fishing Guides, Port Aransas Fishing
Guides, Rockport Fishing Guides, Corpus Christi Fishing Guides, Devils River Fishing Guides, San Marcos River Fishing Guides,
Laguna Madre Fishing Guides, Guadalupe Fishing Guides, Texas Fly Fishing Guides.
Guadalupe Fly Fishing Guide Current Fishing Report and Conditions: Saturday February 8, 2025. The day started
off mild with temps in the 60's. We had a light Mayfly hatch and fish were feeding. Jake and his buddy joined us from Richardson
TX and the guys were already proficient in their techniques. We caught and released several nice Guadalupe Trout. The prince
nymph was the star with the Zug Bug and the BHP. Canyon Lake Fishing Guide, Austin Fishing Guide, San Antonio Fishing Guide,
New Braunfels Fishing Guide, Port Aransas Fishing Guide, Rockport Fishing Guide, Corpus Christi Fishing Guide, Devils River
Fly Fishing Guides, Laguna Madre Fishing Guide.
Guadalupe Fly Fishing Guide Current Fishing Report and River Conditions: Wednesday February 12, 2025. The started
off overcast with light rain. It stopped raining about 8:30 am, but the river was chocolate from muddy runoff. Even so, a
few fishers were trying their luck. We postponed our trips until the river is clear enough to fish...probably tomorrow, or
the next day. Canyon Lake Fishing Guides, San Antonio Fishing Guides, Austin Fishing Guides, Port Aransas Fishing, Rockport
Fishing Guide, San Marcos River Fly Fishing Guides
Guadalupe Fishing Guide Trout Report and Current Conditions: Thursday February 13, 2025. The river flow has
been constant for months. The weather was overcast with temps around 30 degrees this morning. The day started off overcast
but cleared in the late evening. There was virtually nobody on the river today, This probably gave a break to the fish. Canyon
Lake Fishing Guide, New Braunfels Fishing Guide, San Antonio Fishing Guide, Austin Fishing Guide, Port Aransas Fishing Guide,
Rockport Fishing Guide, Corpus Christi Fishing Guide, Devils River Fishing Guide, Devils River Fly Fishing Guides, San Marcos
River Fly Fishing Guides.
Guadalupe Fishing Guide Current Fishing Report and River Conditions: Updated Monday February 17, 2025. Scouting
trip On Lake Dunlap showed bass in aggressive, pre-spawn mode. The day was partly cloudy with light winds from the S. East.
We got several aggressive females on streamers and top water. The weather was nice with temps in the high 60's. Lake Dunlap
Fishing, Canyon Lake Fishing, New Braunfels Fishing, San Antonio Fishing, Austin Fishing, Port Aransas Fishing Guide, Rockport
Fishing Guide, Corpus Christi Fishing Guide, Devils River Fishing Guide. Guadalupe Fishing.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Fly Fishing Report and Current Conditions: Wednesday February 19, 2025. The temps
were frigid for Texas. We started out at 22 degrees and warmed to a balmy 33 degrees about 4:00 pm. This was possible because
the sun came out. There was nobody on the river because the south shuts down below 32 degrees. Canyon Lake Fishing Guide,
Guadalupe Fishing Guide, New Braunfels Fishing Guide, San Antonio Fishing Guide, Austin Fishing Guide, Port Aransas Fishing
Guide, Corpus Christi Fishing Guide, Rockport Fishing Guide, Laguna Madre Fishing Guide.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Current Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Updated Saturday February 22, 2025.
The day started off with light freezing rain and temps at 30 degrees. Even with raw conditions there were a few hardy fishers
trying their luck. The rain ended about 2:00 pm and the temps climbed above freezing. The flow has been steady around 60 cfs
with clear water conditions. Canyon Lake Fishing Guides, San Antonio Fishing Guides, Austin Fishing Guides, New Braunfels
Fishing Guides, Port Aransas Fishing Guides, Rockport Fishing Guides, Corpus Christi Texas Fishing Guides, Devils River Fishing
Guides, San Marcos River Fishing Guides.
Guadalupe River Fishing Guides Current Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Wednesday February 26, 2025.
The release from Canyon Lake Dam has been steady for quite awhile at 56 cfs with clear and cold water conditions. There were
very few fishers on the water today and the weather was beautiful. There was a nice Caddis hatch and some Crane flies are
appearing too. Canyon Lake Fishing Guide, San Antonio Fishing Guide, Austin Fishing Guide, New Braunfels Fishing Guide, Port
Aransas Fishing Guide, Rockport Fishing Guide, Corpus Christi Fishing Guide, Devils River Fishing Guides, San Marcos River
Fishing Guide.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Current Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Thursday February 27, 2025. Morning
trip with great guys from San Antonio produced a few fish, but it was slow. The day was overcast wind strong winds from the
north and cold temps. The flow was average at 58 cfs. There was a nice Trico hatch but we only saw a couple of rising fish.
Canyon Lake Fishing Guide, San Antonio Fishing Guide, Austin Fishing Guide, New Braunfels Fishing Guide, Rockport Fishing
Guide, Port Aransas Fishing Guide, Corpus Christi Fishing Guide, Devils River Fishing Guide, San Marcos River Fishing Guide.
Hill Country Fishing Guide Guadalupe River Current Report and Conditions: Friday February 28, 2025. Half day
morning with Brian and Dan produced quite a few Guadalupe trout on nymphs. The Prince Nymph and Caddis emerger did the trick
for us. The weather was beautiful with high temps in the 70's. The river flow was the same at 60 cfs. There was a massive
BWO and Trico hatch and the fish were hungry at the end as the spinners fell onto the water. Canyon Lake Fishing Guide, Austin
Fishing Guide, San Antonio Fishing Guide, New Braunfels Fishing Guide, Devils River Fly Fishing Guide trips, Rockport Fishing
Guide, Port Aransas Fishing Guide, Corpus Christi Fishing Guides, San Marcos River Fishing Guide.
Hill Country Fly Fishing Guide Current River Report and Conditions for the Guadalupe: Updated Saturday
March 1, 2025. Morning trip with Bert and Amy produced several hard fighting Guadalupe trout. The weather was perfect with
clear blue skies and high temps in the low 70's. The flow was steady at 60 cfs. There was a massive mayfly hatch with BWO's
and Tricos. It turned the fish on. We got em on egg patterns, Prince nymph, San Juan worms and caddis emergers. The river
was not crowded for a Saturday suprisingly. Canyon Lake Fishing Guide, San Antonio Fishing Guide, Austin Fishing Guide, New
Braunfels Texas Fishing, Devils River Fly Fishing Guide, Port Aransas Fishing Guide, Rockport Fishing Guide, Corpus Christi
Fishing Guide, San Marcos River Fishing Guide.
Hill Country Fishing Guides Fly Fishing Report for the Guadalupe River: Updated Tuesday March 4, 2025. We postponed
our trips due to the high winds associated with a strong cold front. The winds gusted from the North up to 50 mph and trees
fell, branches were blown and white caps appeared on the river. We'll be at it tomorrow morning with renewed emphasis. Canyon
Lake Fishing Guide, Austin Fishing Guide, San Antonio Fishing Guide, New Braunfels Fishing Guide, San Marcos River Fishing
Guide, Port Aransas Fishing Guide, Rockport Fishing Guide, Corpus Christi Fishing Guide, Devils River Fishing Guide.
Hill Country Fishing Guide Current Guadalupe River Report and Conditions: Thursday March 6, 2025. Morning trip
with Rob from Oklahoma produced quite a few Guadalupe rainbow trout. The day started off pretty cool with temps in the high
30's. The winds picked up from the south and blew pretty hard toward noon. We had a great Mayfly hatch with BWO's and Tricos
too. The red horse suckers were in full spawn with rainbows downstream gobbling their eggs. There were very few people on
the water with great conditions. The flow was 62 cfs. Austin Fishing Guides, San Antonio Fishing Guides, New Braunfels Fishing
Guides, Devils River Fly Fishing Guides, San Marcos River Fishing Guides, Canyon Lake Fishing Guides, Port Aransas Fishing
Guides, Rockport Fishing Guides, Corpus Christi Fishing Guides.